Operations update

· team pico

Adding anonymous post analytics to prose
#policy #announcement #feature

We wanted to send a quick update to let everyone know we have slightly adjusted our ops page to reflect a recent change to the prose platform.

We received a bunch of requests asking to make the discovery feed a little easier to find useful posts. We also want to provide bloggers with the ability to see how well a post is performing.

In that vein we decided to hook up some basic anonymous analytics. This required a slight change to our ethical position. Right now all we are tracking are anonymous view counts for posts. This will provide us with some metric data to better rank the discovery feed. We are only interested in tracking post performance via anonymous means.

See the changes here.

We understand this might not be what everyone wants and we had quite a few discussions about it in our irc #pico.sh channel. If you feel strongly about this change please join our IRC channel or send us an email at hello@pico.sh.

We are taking the prose platform seriously and care what bloggers think.


Join our irc #pico.sh on libera or email us at hello@pico.sh.

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